Crystals for Sleep

Crystals for Sleep

Crystals for Sleep 

Crystals are great tools to help you sleep more soundly and have sweet dreams, as they work with the subconscious and energetic realms and have the ability to heal deep wounds and process emotional and mental energy, all while you get your beauty rest.
If you're looking for a natural way to improve your sleep, consider incorporating crystals into your bedtime routine. Crystals such as amethyst, rose quartz, and blue calcite are known for their calming and relaxing properties, making them some of the best crystals for sleep. By placing these crystals under your pillow or near your bed, their energy can help to soothe your mind and promote deep, restful sleep. In addition to their stress-relieving benefits, crystals can also improve sleep quality by reducing nightmares and promoting positive dreams. To get the most out of your sleep crystals, it's recommended to cleanse them regularly and keep them close to your body while you sleep. Whether you're a seasoned crystal enthusiast or new to their benefits, incorporating sleep crystals into your bedtime routine can help you get a better night's sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated
There are crystals that can heighten your awareness and help you have lucid dreams and far-off adventures in your sleep.
There are some that can bring calm and clarity to all the thoughts running around in your mind. 
And there are crystals that can help with insomnia so you can drift off more easily and have the kind of restful, healing sleep that your body deserves.
So if you’re ready to let your crystals work their magic for you even while you’re dreaming, read on to check out our top picks of crystals for sleep.
amethyst crystal
Amethyst is your go-to crystal friend to provide relaxing, rejuvenating energy that can help ease stress and tension, and allow your mind to drift off into dreamland more easily.
Its effect on the third eye and crown chakras helps clear out harmful, toxic, and dense energies that may be clouding your vision and making you feel imbalanced.
It moves into the subconscious realms of your mind, bringing a soothing blanket of calm energy over it and weeding out the habitual, cyclical thoughts that can keep you awake at night.
If you’re a worrier with a racing mind that is inhibiting your sleep patterns, try putting amethyst next to your bedside so you can be enveloped in its soothing and healing aura during your sleep.
Since it is a quartz variety, it can be overstimulating for some people and have the opposite effect, so you need to test it out and see how it feels for you.
trolleite crystal meaning
Trolleite, in its gorgeous shades of ocean and sand, offers and very calming, relaxing energy that envelops your spirit in serenity and lifts you into higher states of being.
It allows your muscles to release their tension, for your mind to relax, and for your soul to feel soothed so you can connect with a sense of peace within yourself and tune into the clarity of your intuition.
This not only makes Trolleite a wonderful crystal to help ease you into sleep, but it also helps you have more meaningful, insightful dreams and remember them when you wake up, so you can process and use their messages in your waking life. 
charoite crystal meaning
Charoite is a high vibration stone that brings a lot of mental relaxation and healing, to calm your thoughts and worries, ease anxiety and a racing mind.
This makes it a great sleep aid that can help soothe insomnia by quieting or slowing down your thoughts so your conscious mind can rest and recede into the background as your subconscious mind comes to the foreground and you drift into a relaxed, dreamy state.
And while you sleep, charoite will be releasing toxic and dense emotions from your energy field, clearing out old belief systems and stuck patterns, and raising your awareness into a higher state connected to the knowing light of your spirit.
howlite crystal
Howlite is one of the best stones to keep under your pillow to sleep with, as it has a very peaceful and stabilizing effect, helping your thoughts and system settle down into a relaxed state, and lifting you into a higher perspective to find calm above the clouds of life for a bit.
Not only does howlite help you drift off to dreamland peacefully, it also gives you better access to remember information from your dreams and ground their wisdom into your waking life.
If you have questions you want to be answered and are looking for guidance from your higher knowing, but are having trouble accessing it, try sleeping with howlite nearby or beneath your pillow to help you receive messages and insight in your sleep.
labradorite crystal meaning
Labradorite is an amazing stone of inner vision, to help your subconscious mind expand and see new possibilities. It’s the perfect stone to sleep with to increase your dreams and to heighten the insights, awareness, and psychic messages that you receive through them.
Labradorite gleams in rainbow colors with its signature flashes, and this reflects its ability to shine through the clouds and darkness of your mind and find the rainbow of sparkling gems that are inside it, all the nuggets of wisdom you already carry in you that are just waiting to be discovered.
This is a great healing crystal to help bring balance to the mind, body, and soul as you sleep and tap into your subconscious self.
blue calcite crystal meaning
Blue calcite is a supremely calming stone. For frustration, anger, stress, or any other heightened emotions, this crystal can come in to turn your inner temperature right down, and help you find relief and relaxation. 
If you feel weathered and exhausted, like your nervous system is tapped out, or so tired you can’t even sleep, blue calcite can be like a balm to the mind and body, soothing imbalances and clearing out tension so you can fall into calm and find sleep easily. 
It’s also said that blue calcite can help you remember and recall your dreams more easily when you sleep with it under your pillow, and it can bring your body and mind comfort and healing as you rest so you can wake up feeling restored and renewed.
moonstone crystal meaning
A beautiful crystal to deepen your intuitive awareness and help you find inner peace and balance, moonstone is a great pick to bring you peace and help you retreat into your own inner world more deeply, so you can tune out the outer noise and distractions and fade into dreamland.
Its energy is deeply connected with the moon and the night and it carries a strong yin essence of relaxation. It helps to awaken your psychic insight and can bring lucid dreams and strong creative, visual energy to them. 
It also has the effect of bringing you back into circadian rhythm, to help you find more restful sleep and feel restored and more in balance throughout the day.
You can find all these beauties to bring you more peace in your sleep, and more healing throughout your days, in our shop.
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