6 Best Crystals for the Bedroom

If you're looking to create a peaceful and relaxing bedroom environment, consider incorporating crystals into your decor. Crystals such as amethyst, lavender quartz, and lepidolite are some of the best crystals for the bedroom, as they are known for their calming and soothing properties.

Birthstones: Which crystal is the right one for...

Just like the seasons, planets, and zodiac signs, each month, has its own energy/vibration and of course, a specific crystal associated with it.    When we are born, our entire...

Astrology Books for Your Best Life

Astrology has been used for ages to help us better understand ourselves. People's personality qualities and even difficulties may be gleaned from their birth chart by consulting the planets and the...

The Best Crystals for Gemini

Gemini season is May 20th through June 21st. Crystals can support you during this time whether you have Gemini in your astrology chart or you want to be in tune...

Best Crystals for the Aries Zodiac Sign

The Sun traverses the zodiac sign of Aries from March 20th through April 19th. If you have Aries in your astrology chart or you want to be more in tune...

The Best Crystals for Taurus

Taurus season is April 20th through May 21st. Crystals can support you during this time whether you have Taurus in your astrology chart or you want to be in tune...

Crystals and Zodiac Signs. Which One is Best fo...

When you think of crystals and astrology, you probably think of images of mystical, transparent stones that possess mystical powers. But what you may not know is that there is...

Looking for the Best Full Moon Ritual? Do This ...

Since this Full Moon is in Libra, it is all about balance. But don’t let this fool you, because remember to achieve balance one must do certain changes. So, expect...

Pyrite Crystal: Meaning, Benefits, & Uses

Pyrite is spiritually and emotionally stimulating. It is not a soothing stone and shouldn’t be used at night. Pyrite crystal healing properties shine a bright light on your higher self,...

Best Crystals for Pisces Zodiac Sign

The Sun travels through Pisces from February 18th through March 20th. Pisces themes will be more prominent during this time and even more so for those born with the Sun,...

Best Healing Crystals for Aquarius

Best Crystals for Aquarius Aquarius is the big thinker of the zodiac. With so many helpful, provocative, and world-changing ideas swirling around your mind all day–it can be exhausting. The...

The 6 Best Crystals for Capricorn

Capricorns are the steadfast, hardworking, loyal CEOs of the zodiac. But even this high-achieving sign can use a little grounding and energy restoration from their crystal allies. The 6 best...

Need help choosing the right gifts for your spi...

Need help choosing the right gifts for your spiritual friends?   There are so many things you can gift your witchy, awakened, and spiritual friends. From private yoga and meditation...

7 of the Best Crystals for Sagittarius

Each zodiac sign resonates with particular crystals based on their healing properties, colors, and vibrations. During this Sagittarius Season, let’s explore the gemstones that resonate with this zodiac sign’s frequencies...

Crystals for the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in...

There is a special Full Moon in Taurus on November 19th that occurs under the frequency of a Partial Lunar Eclipse. During this time in particular there is an interesting...

Crystals for the Full Moon in Aries

Cleanse, charge, and set intentions with crystals for the Full Moon on October 20th, 2021 Every month our planet is washed in the beautiful light of a Full Moon. Communing...

Top 10 Crystals for Libras

The top 10 crystals for the Libra zodiac sign resonate with this sign’s appreciation for all things beautiful, their need for balance and integration, and their fun-loving tendencies. The chosen...

The Best Crystals for A Virgo

We have sorted six healing crystals for the Virgo zodiac sign to enhance beneficial Virgoan qualities and dampen less worthwhile ones. The primary purpose of each one of them is...