Tiger’s Eye meaning - Crystals for Confidence & Success

what is tigers eye good for

Tiger’s Eye for Confidence & Success

 tigers eye crystal

Tiger's Eye is a powerful stone that can provide you with the stamina, willpower, and groundedness you need. It is an excellent choice if you want to attract positivity, good luck, and abundance into your life. This stone is a favorite among many and is believed to have the power to give you the Eye of the Tiger vibes, just like the Roman soldiers who wore tigers on their armor.
Tiger's Eye is a lower chakra healer that combines sun and earth energies to activate your solar plexus, ignite your sacral chakra, and ground it all through your root chakra. This powerful stone offers a sense of calm, stability, and strength, making it an ideal good luck charm to help you accomplish anything you want in life.
The reflective sheen of Tiger's Eye is absolutely gorgeous, and it is said to mimic the gleam of a cat's eye. This unique quality of the stone makes it a great choice for reflecting and deflecting energy, attracting wealth, love, and positive energy. If you are looking for a powerful stone to attract good luck, Tiger's Eye is the way to go. It is often compared to other stones for good luck, such as green aventurine and quartz crystal.
Healing properties of Tiger's eye crystal. 
Tigers eye crystal
When you feel confused, foggy or stuck, when you’re overwhelmed, exhausted or depressed, tiger’s eye is a great emotional healer to lift you out of the dumps and help you find mental clarity. It empowers your confidence and natural radiance, allowing you to shine! 
Let’s take a look at how tiger’s eye can help you in your own life, and some easy ways to use it.

As a protective stone

Tigers eye bracelet
Tiger’s eye works like a shield to deflect unwanted energies away from you. It’s great to wear or carry in any situation where you’re feeling vulnerable, worried or fearful, to help you release the fear and deflect any negative energy coming at you from outside sources.
Tiger’s eye carries a beautiful golden ray of energy that is uplifting and protective. You can use it to surround yourself in this high vibration golden light, imagine it around your entire aura like a protective bubble. This will help allow the higher vibration energies into your field while keeping the low vibes out.


To use for protection:

  • Wear or hold a tiger’s eye stone over your solar plexus and envision a golden light emanating out from it. See this light moving into your solar plexus, and filling your entire body. Then envision it moving out of your body and surrounding you in a bubble of golden light. Breathe and know you are protected
  • To protect your space, place four tiger’s eye stones at the 4 main entrances around your space. These can be doors or windows, wherever the most energy comes in and out. Using 4 stones will help create a sense of stability, safety and upliftment within the container they create.

To uplift & energize

tigers eye tumble
Tiger’s eye is one of the best stones to lift you out of a heavy mood or emotional overwhelm, like a burst of light shining through the darkness. It can aid you in moving through grief, sadness, depression and fear, helping you find a positive perspective.
It’s a great stone to conquer self doubt and negative self-talk, as well as criticism and negativity from the outside world. It balances and energizes the solar plexus chakra, empowering your natural confidence and courage, so you can put yourself out there, take action, and make the moves you know you need to make- no more excuses!
To use for upliftment and energy:
  • Wear or carry a tiger’s eye stone with you throughout the day to allow it’s subtle energy to affect your field.
  • Wear as a bracelet or in your pants pocket, to have more affect on your root and sacral chakras. Try a long necklace or keep in a chest pocket to have more affect on your solar plexus chakra.
  • Wear or have it near during exercise or physical activities to boost your energy and stamina.

For success & manifestation

tigers eye meaning
One of the best stones to attract luck, success and abundance into your life, tiger’s eye inspires enthusiasm and drive, to help you go get what you want, and not just sit back and dream about it.
It brings in optimism and self-confidence, and is great to use in strengthening your intentions and getting clarity around your purpose. It’s excellent at enhancing all those divinely masculine qualities, no matter your gender, like stamina, power, direction and logical thinking.
When you want to put the pedal to the medal, are ready to walk your talk, want to get off the bench and into the game and other fun cliches about doin’ the dang thing already, tiger’s eye will be your best crystal friend.
To use for success and manifestation:
  • Take tiger’s eye with you or hold it during a job interview for calm and confidence.
  • Keep a tiger’s eye point or pyramid on your desk or workspace to bring success in work and creative projects.
  • Use one to amp up your manifestation practices, as you journal your desires and dreams, or hold tiger’s eye while you visualize what you want to create in your life.

To embody tiger energy

Tiger's Eye is a powerful crystal that can help you connect with the spirit animal energy of a tiger, giving you the courage and strength you need to conquer your goals. It is believed that wearing tigers on your armor, just like the Roman soldiers, can attract love and positive energy into your life.

The energy of Tiger spirit is strongly connected to strength, tenacity, stealthiness, and a smart and efficient use of energy. When you work with a tiger's eye crystal, it can amplify these energies within you, giving you more focus, courage, and self-assurance around your own energetic limits and boundaries. It is no wonder that Tiger's Eye is a favorite crystal among many who seek to attract love and positivity into their lives.


To use for courage & tiger spirit energy:

  • What do you think of when you think of a tiger? The words and feelings that first come to you are a great place to start understanding what tiger energy can bring to your life. It can also be fun to research tiger spirit animal themes, about how tigers live, or just to look at pictures of them and see what sort of lessons they embody that you can apply to your life.
  • Hold a tiger’s eye stone, or have one nearby, as you envision a beautiful tiger in your mind and observe its qualities. Then journal about or imagine yourself going after different situations in your life embodying this same quiet strength, power and focus, and envision the possibilities.



Tiger’s eye is one of our favorite stones for getting real world stuff done. It’s a must have to help you navigate around all of life’s detours and stay focused on what you want for your life, one step at a time. Check out our tiger’s eye specimens in the shop and see if one speaks to you! Wear this lucky stone in the day to attract abundance. 



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