6 Best Crystals for the Bedroom

If you're looking to create a peaceful and relaxing bedroom environment, consider incorporating crystals into your decor. Crystals such as amethyst, lavender quartz, and lepidolite are some of the best crystals for the bedroom, as they are known for their calming and soothing properties.

The Healing Qualities of Angelite Crystal and H...

Angelite is a beautiful blue stone with white veins. In addition to its beautiful blue hue and angelic appearance, Angelite also carries unique properties that make it an exceptional stone.

Best Healing Crystals for Cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancer season starts on June 21st,  lasting through July 22nd during which time the Sun will be passing through this watery and sensitive zodiac sign. Crystals can help you tap...

How to Use the Moon's Eight Phases to Live Your...

While the sun receives a lot of attention when it comes to astrology, we tend to overlook the moon's role in our lives. The moon completes an entire cycle every...

5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Crystals Activated &...

Crystals are a great way to bring our energy and life force into alignment. But like anything in our house, they can get dirty, absorb certain energies. We certainly don't...

10 Crystals to help you manifest your dreams in...

Every year, we hear about the latest and greatest New Year's resolutions. What we don't hear as much about is: how do we make those resolutions stick?! We're here to tell you...

Amethyst Crystal Meaning and Uses

The magic of amethyst crystal has been known for centuries. Here is a deep dive into a potent crystal ally to have by your side and one that people tend...

Birthstones: Which crystal is the right one for...

Just like the seasons, planets, and zodiac signs, each month, has its own energy/vibration and of course, a specific crystal associated with it.    When we are born, our entire...

What Crystal Invites Good Fortune Into Your Lif...

What are they? Pyrite are crystals made of iron sulfide, but because they're so shiny and gold-colored, they're often mistaken for gold. It looks so similar that it's commonly known...

Crystal toolkit: The 10 must-have crystals ever...

If you’re like most people, you probably own a few crystals here and there. But, if you're new to crystals or want a crash course on the basics, check out...

Have a hard time staying motivated? Try using t...

Do you sometimes feel like you’re not driven enough to reach your goals and make changes in your life? Don't worry! You're not alone.    It’s completely normal to feel...

How to make an altar at home using your favorit...

You might be thinking: What on earth is an altar? And why do I need one? Those are some of the questions we are going to explore in this blog...

Green Aventurine: Healing Properties, Meanings,...

The stone of opportunity, green aventurine has open-hearted, optimistic energy to propel you forward towards all your heart’s desires. Associated with the element of air, this vibrant green crystal brings...

Crystals and Colors: How to Understand the Powe...

When you’re new to crystals, you may think that all they do is look pretty. But crystals have powerful healing properties and when you understand how they work, you’ll learn...

Hematite: The crystal of protection and grounding

This shining metallic stone has a long history of being used for grounding, power, and protection by native people all across the world. Its iron-rich content makes it feel heavy...

Inner Child Work: 3 Habits to Reconnect (and He...

We all have a bit of an inner child who’s longed to be loved and taken care of. And that child has been hidden within us the entire time. Fortunately,...

Jade Stone: Meanings, Properties, and Uses

Jade is a gorgeous green crystal long heralded as a talisman for love, good luck, and prosperity.  Used for centuries in different cultures spanning from ancient China to Egpyt to...

Astrology Books for Your Best Life

Astrology has been used for ages to help us better understand ourselves. People's personality qualities and even difficulties may be gleaned from their birth chart by consulting the planets and the...

A Guide to Crystals for Gratitude

A Guide to Crystals for Gratitude One of the most important things you can do to find more happiness and well-being in your everyday life is to practice gratitude.  ...

Why You Need to Smudge & Clear the Energy in yo...

Why You Need to Smudge & Clear the Energy in your Home All the feelings you express, feel, witness, watch and experience in your home become emotional energy that moves...

The Best Crystals for Gemini

Gemini season is May 20th through June 21st. Crystals can support you during this time whether you have Gemini in your astrology chart or you want to be in tune...

The Stone of Transformation LABRADORITE

Labradorite is a member of the feldspar mineral family, and it has been used since ancient times to protect its wearer from evil spirits. Ancient Egyptians wore labradorite to safeguard...

Jasper Stone Varieties: What Do They Mean and W...

Jaspers stone meanings and properties depend on the sorts of Jasper varieties you connect with. This ancient crystal holds many metaphysical benefits from improving relationships to manifesting money. Jasper has...

Stressful Times? Here Are Our 6 Favorite Crysta...

In times like these, it seems like the "normal" thing to do is go into fight or flight mode. But here's a little secret: You don't have to! Sure, it...

What to gift a mom that has it all? Crystals of...

So what can you gift her that's different and thoughtful? Crystals of course! If you were to give her a crystal, you’d be giving her something more unique, something more...

The Best Crystals for Chakra Healing

There are 7 main chakras in your astral body, which are connected to your aura. These are the chakras you work within daily life, whether you realize it or not,...

Best Crystals for the Aries Zodiac Sign

The Sun traverses the zodiac sign of Aries from March 20th through April 19th. If you have Aries in your astrology chart or you want to be more in tune...

The Best Crystals for Taurus

Taurus season is April 20th through May 21st. Crystals can support you during this time whether you have Taurus in your astrology chart or you want to be in tune...

Crystals and Zodiac Signs. Which One is Best fo...

When you think of crystals and astrology, you probably think of images of mystical, transparent stones that possess mystical powers. But what you may not know is that there is...

Looking for the Best Full Moon Ritual? Do This ...

Since this Full Moon is in Libra, it is all about balance. But don’t let this fool you, because remember to achieve balance one must do certain changes. So, expect...

The Power of Clear Quartz to Manifest Your Dreams

Clear quartz is one of the most prolific and popular crystals to work with for very good reason- it’s a master healer stone. The ultimate amplifier and director of energy,...

Feeling Low? 3 Tips to Raise Your Vibration

Do you feel tired and fatigued, or without energy? It may be because you’re vibrating low.   Vibration is the way that you feel in every aspect of your life:...

Rhodonite’s heart-healing power

Owing its name to the Greek word “rhodon”, meaning “rose-colored”, rhodonite can help you look at life through rose-colored glasses. It’s a stone of appreciation and openness, helping you find...

3 Effective Ways to Reignite Your Divine Femini...

The divine feminine is a natural force that's nurturing, intuitive, soft, and grounding. It can be found in all living things, including ourselves. Contrary to the logical and action-driven masculine,...

Selenite to Light Up Your Life

Selenite connects you to the higher planes of awareness and awakens your spiritual senses, helping you find upliftment and support from your guides, angels, and higher self whenever you need...

Boost Your Home's Energy Using Feng Shui & Crys...

Feng Shui is the oriental art of placement. Developed over 6,000 years ago in China, Feng Shui's sole mission is to arrange and harmonize your home for good chi or...

Lapis Lazuli Healing Benefits

Royal blue and eye-catching, Lapis Lazuli is a beaming crystal exuding powerful energy. Lapis Lazuli's healing benefits are as unique as its physical features. It’s among the more restorative, nurturing,...

3 Crystals That Balance the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the 4th of 7 major energy centers in our body. It connects us to love, compassion, and joy. However, it can also be the most challenging...

Pyrite Crystal: Meaning, Benefits, & Uses

Pyrite is spiritually and emotionally stimulating. It is not a soothing stone and shouldn’t be used at night. Pyrite crystal healing properties shine a bright light on your higher self,...

Best Crystals for Pisces Zodiac Sign

The Sun travels through Pisces from February 18th through March 20th. Pisces themes will be more prominent during this time and even more so for those born with the Sun,...

Want more love and clarity? Amazonite is your c...

People use Amazonite for various reasons. But one of the best reasons why carry this crystal is to boost self-confidence, draw out negative emotions like anger or sorrow, or simply to uplift...