The Best Crystals for Chakra Healing

The Best Crystals for Chakra Healing

The Best Crystals for Chakra Healing


There are 7 main chakras in your astral body, which are connected to your aura. These are the chakras you work within daily life, whether you realize it or not, as you exchange energy with the world around you.


When you use crystals to create more balance in these 7 chakras, you’ll find more balance in your everyday life!


Root Chakra


chakra healing crystals


This first chakra lies at the base of your spine or cervical area and is responsible for you feeling secure, stable, safe, and grounded like you belong in the world and all your needs are supported.


These are some of the best chakra crystals to support your root chakra. This crystal set helps you stay grounded and centered, no matter what life throws at you. Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian: Grounding and stabilizing the root chakra. Kambaba Jasper: Known as "Tree of Life", this stone is believed to protect the wearer from evil forces and dangers. Hematite: A protective stone that brings courage and confidence. Tiger’s Eye is known as a stone of protection, bringing balance and grounding while strengthening one's connection to Mother Earth

If you’re stressed, anxious, fatigued or your fight/flight/freeze mode is activated, try some of these crystals to help balance your root chakra:



Sacral Chakra


chakra healing crystals


The second chakra, in your lower abdomen, is where your well of vitality and life force is stored. It relates to your emotional sensitivity, sensuality, passion, and creativity. These crystals help to stimulate your life path, raise your self-esteem and connect with your inner potential. Carnelian helps you to connect to your emotions and be more comfortable with who you are. Use this stone now for manifesting as it will help you ensure that you are moving towards your dream life.


If you’re emotionally overwhelmed, have been absorbing too much energy from other people, are feeling lackluster, uninspired or like you’ve lost your spark, try some of these sacral chakra healing crystals:


Solar Plexus Chakra


chakra healing crystals


The third chakra, in your upper abdomen, is the seat of your inner power, where your sense of self-empowerment, motivation, and confidence comes from. It’s where you feel joy, lightness, and fun, where ideas and dreams are manifest into physical reality. This treasure trove of chakra crystals will make you feel golden. The warmth and energy of Citrine, Pyrite, Tiger's Eye, Lemurian Quartz and Yellow Crazy Lace Agate vibrates from the core out through the Solar Plexus chakra to make it easier for you to be honest with others and with yourself. Golden Rutile Quartz helps protect your aura from outside influences


If you’re feeling depressed, stuck or procrastinating, are having problems taking action, or issues with your self-esteem, these crystals can help balance your solar plexus chakra and help you feel light again:



Heart Chakra


chakra healing crystals


Your heart chakra, in the center of your chest, is where harmony and balance are found in your body. It’s responsible for feelings of love, appreciation, acceptance, and forgiveness. These crystals will awaken your heart chakra with their energies. Rhodonite, Amazonite, Aventurine, Rose Quartz and Malachite are all incredible stones to help balance a compromised heart chakra. They release blocked energy and encourage you to let go of emotional pain so that you can be more compassionate toward yourself as well as others.


When you’re grief-stricken, sad or lonely, when you feel unloved or unlovable, or are moving through emotional trauma, these heart chakra healing crystals can help bring balance:



Throat Chakra


chakra healing crystals


Your fifth chakra, located in the crook of your collarbone, is all about truth and expression. It’s responsible for clear communication, good listening, and stepping into your authentic soul’s calling and purpose in life. The throat chakra is the center of communication, truth, and self-expression. These crystals will help you stay true to yourself and speak your truth with confidence.


When you feel shy or at a loss for words, need help expressing your true self, or are feeling stifled and caged in by life, these throat chakra healing stones can help:



Third-Eye Chakra


chakra healing crystals


Your sixth chakra, located in the center of your head, rules over your mind, beliefs, perceptions, and unconscious. It’s where your inner vision lies, where you can connect to your intuition and gain insight from cosmic realms.

Take your chakra journey to the next level with these high-vibration stones. Connect with your third eye and open your inner vision to receive intuitive guidance, or bring harmony into your life through the soothing rainbows of Fluorite and Rainbow Moonstone, or dream big and manifest the cosmos with Labradorite and Cacoxenite. 


When you’re stuck in your head, too dogmatic, rigid or opinionated, or need help dismantling unhealthy belief systems, look for these third-eye chakra healing stones:



Crown Chakra


chakra healing crystals


Your seventh chakra, at the top of your head, is the energetic crown that connects your physical body with the etheric planes. It's where you feel hope, faith, and optimism, where you bring in energy from spirit and connect with a sense of peace and oneness. These crystals are an exquisite way to access the metaphysical properties and cosmic energy of the highest chakras. Each stone is carefully selected for its energetic alignment with the Crown Chakra, and carries a positive vibration that stimulates spiritual awareness and connection with higher dimensions


When you’re feeling low, depressed and pessimistic, weighed down by emotions and material world issues, or feel no sense of connection or support from the spirit realms, these crown chakra crystals will open you up to the magic:




We carry all these beautiful crystals and more in the shop. Have a look around and see which ones your chakras are leading you to!


Shop our best selling CHAKRA BALANCE KIT here..