Collection: Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is the stone of wisdom. It allows you to speak your truth clearly and concisely. This royal blue colored crystal with gold flecks has a powerful energy that helps keep you grounded in this earthly world while giving you the ability to transcend to a higher state of consciousness. Lapis lazuli is a perfect stone to have near you when meditating, reflecting, or reaching for higher levels of understanding and self knowledge. Use it to enhance psychic dreams and develop intuition. A perfect crystal mood enhancer, this gem will bring serenity to the room or environment in which it is placed


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We take pride in carefully selecting, energetically cleansing, and shipping each crystal ourselves. By personally handling every step, we ensure that the crystals' vibrations remain high and pure, bringing you the best energy possible.

lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a captivating gemstone renowned for its deep blue hues and metaphysical properties. Its meaning is rooted in enhancing inner wisdom and self-expression, while its properties make it a popular choice for jewelry, available in various exquisite forms such as necklaces, rings, and more. Explore the allure of lapis lazuli, a gem that seamlessly combines beauty and spiritual benefits.


Lapis lazuli, with its deep blue hues and shimmering flecks of pyrite, is a captivating crystal symbolizing wisdom, truth, and inner vision. Its rich history dates back centuries, and it's cherished for its metaphysical properties, including enhancing communication and self-expression.

Lapis lazuli boasts a range of powerful properties, from promoting inner wisdom and intuition to aiding in self-expression and communication. This stunning blue crystal is also associated with enhancing mental clarity and emotional healing.

Lapis lazuli is pronounced as "lap-is laz-oo-lee."

Lapis lazuli jewelry combines timeless beauty with the metaphysical properties of this stunning blue stone, making it a popular choice for those seeking both style and spiritual benefits. Discover a range of lapis lazuli jewelry pieces, from elegant necklaces to exquisite rings, that can enhance your personal style while promoting inner wisdom and self-expression.