6 Best Crystals for the Bedroom

If you're looking to create a peaceful and relaxing bedroom environment, consider incorporating crystals into your decor. Crystals such as amethyst, lavender quartz, and lepidolite are some of the best crystals for the bedroom, as they are known for their calming and soothing properties.

6 Best Crystals for the Bedroom

If you're looking to create a peaceful and relaxing bedroom environment, consider incorporating crystals into your decor. Crystals such as amethyst, lavender quartz, and lepidolite are some of the best...

Crystals for Sleep

If you're looking for a natural way to improve your sleep, consider incorporating crystals into your bedtime routine. Crystals such as amethyst, rose quartz, and blue calcite are known for their calming and relaxing...

How to use crystals for chakra healing

One way to bring balance and healing to your chakras is through the use of crystals. Different crystals correspond to different chakras and can be used to help align and...

How To Set Intentions With Crystals For The New...

Are you deciding to set intentions with crystals for the New Year and want to make a life-changing resolution for a fresh start? This article illustrates the power crystals possess...

Best Protection Crystals for the Home

Crystals are an excellent ally when it comes to keeping your living space clear and energetically protected. This article will share some of the best gemstones to keep in your...

Best Crystals for Scorpio

Scorpio Season 2023 is from October 23rd through November 22nd. During this time, we are all under the Sunbeams of Scorpio and will find themes related to this sign that...

What Crystals Can Get Wet? A Comprehensive Guide

What Crystals Can Get Wet? A Comprehensive Guide Crystals lovers usually fall under one of the two schools of thought: All crystals have some water tolerance, or no crystals belong...

Sacred Gems: A guide to the top 13 essential he...

Whether you’re just starting a healing crystal collection or have more than a million special gems, these 13 essential sacred stones are the secret to experiencing powerful shifts.   The...

Moss Agate: Healing Properties & Everyday Uses

Associated with the energy of nature itself, moss agate brings a grounded frequency of slow, steady growth that’s always working in harmony with all the other elements to thrive and...

Serpentine meaning and healing properties

Serpentine is a green stone that has many healing properties. It's known as the stone of balance, because it helps you to find your center and find peace within yourself....

Best Crystals for the Third Eye Chakra

The best crystals for the third eye chakra remove energetic blockages, eliminate conditioning, and activate your access to your spiritual potential. By enhancing your inner knowing and unlocking your intuition...

How to Tell if a Crystal is Real

While heat-treated and dyed crystals and artfully made glass and plastic stones can be beautiful, you still want to be aware of what you are getting. Genuine stones will carry...

How to Cleanse & Charge your Crystals with the ...

Why use moonlight with your crystals?  The moon is a reflection of the sun’s light. It’s a feminine form of energy, a cool blue beacon shining in the darkness, filled...

Seven Chakra Healing Stones

Align, open, and activate your vital energy sources with healing crystals. Balance your physical body, feel grounded and align your chakra system. Healing crystals continue to make their way into...

8 of the Most Powerful Crystals

There’s an endless array of gorgeous crystals to choose from, so if you’re just getting started collecting them, or want to be sure you have some of the most potent...

Crystals to Tap Into Your Intuition

Crystals carry energetic frequencies that can help support you in tapping into your intuition. Here are some of the best crystals to help support you in learning to trust the...

How to Use Healing Crystals in Design

Have you ever walked into a space that felt heavy and uninviting, cold and cluttered? Did it leave you feeling low and depleted afterward? Have you ever walked into a...

Fluorite: Meaning & Uses for All Colors

Fluorite is a powerful clearing crystal that can sweep your negative and heavy emotions away like a fresh breeze. It has a very high vibration that connects with your upper...

Blue Crystals for Authenticity, Expression & Ba...

Blue crystals are calming and uplifting, associated with the freedom of the sky, the depth of a mountain lake, and the expanse of the ocean.  Their energy is cooling and...

What Are Energy Vampires? 8 Ways to Protect You...

From people to activities, everything has an impact on you and your life. Let’s take friends for example. Some friends will make you feel uplifted and happy. On the other...

5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Crystals Activated &...

Crystals are a great way to bring our energy and life force into alignment. But like anything in our house, they can get dirty, absorb certain energies. We certainly don't...

10 Crystals to help you manifest your dreams in...

Every year, we hear about the latest and greatest New Year's resolutions. What we don't hear as much about is: how do we make those resolutions stick?! We're here to tell you...

Amethyst Crystal Meaning and Uses

The magic of amethyst crystal has been known for centuries. Here is a deep dive into a potent crystal ally to have by your side and one that people tend...

Birthstones: Which crystal is the right one for...

Just like the seasons, planets, and zodiac signs, each month, has its own energy/vibration and of course, a specific crystal associated with it.    When we are born, our entire...

Crystal toolkit: The 10 must-have crystals ever...

If you’re like most people, you probably own a few crystals here and there. But, if you're new to crystals or want a crash course on the basics, check out...

How to make an altar at home using your favorit...

You might be thinking: What on earth is an altar? And why do I need one? Those are some of the questions we are going to explore in this blog...

Crystals and Colors: How to Understand the Powe...

When you’re new to crystals, you may think that all they do is look pretty. But crystals have powerful healing properties and when you understand how they work, you’ll learn...

A Guide to Crystals for Gratitude

A Guide to Crystals for Gratitude One of the most important things you can do to find more happiness and well-being in your everyday life is to practice gratitude.  ...

Why You Need to Smudge & Clear the Energy in yo...

Why You Need to Smudge & Clear the Energy in your Home All the feelings you express, feel, witness, watch and experience in your home become emotional energy that moves...

The Best Crystals for Gemini

Gemini season is May 20th through June 21st. Crystals can support you during this time whether you have Gemini in your astrology chart or you want to be in tune...

Stressful Times? Here Are Our 6 Favorite Crysta...

In times like these, it seems like the "normal" thing to do is go into fight or flight mode. But here's a little secret: You don't have to! Sure, it...

The Best Crystals for Chakra Healing

There are 7 main chakras in your astral body, which are connected to your aura. These are the chakras you work within daily life, whether you realize it or not,...

The Power of Clear Quartz to Manifest Your Dreams

Clear quartz is one of the most prolific and popular crystals to work with for very good reason- it’s a master healer stone. The ultimate amplifier and director of energy,...

Selenite to Light Up Your Life

Selenite connects you to the higher planes of awareness and awakens your spiritual senses, helping you find upliftment and support from your guides, angels, and higher self whenever you need...

Boost Your Home's Energy Using Feng Shui & Crys...

Feng Shui is the oriental art of placement. Developed over 6,000 years ago in China, Feng Shui's sole mission is to arrange and harmonize your home for good chi or...

Tips for Beginners to Find the Right Crystals f...

Pay attention to the crystals you feel immediately attracted to or interested in. There could be something about the color, the cut, the glimmer, the shine- you don’t have to...

Crystals and water, which crystals to avoid get...

There are many ways to cleanse crystals, and water is one of the easiest and most available ways out there, but is it ok to get every type of crystal...

Crystals for Beginners: Using Crystal Healing E...

Looking for some of the best crystals to begin your journey? Here are some of our top, must have picks.

Crystals For Throat Chakra

Sharing who you really are and what you truly think and feel is imperative. The world misses out on your authentic self and you miss out on the world when...

The Top 5 Crystals for opening your Third Eye c...

The Third Eye Chakra relates to your ability to focus on the bigger picture empowered by your refined intuition and instinct. Having an activated third eye chakra, connecting with the present moment becomes...