The Power of Clear Quartz to Manifest Your Dreams

The Power of Clear Quartz to Manifest Your Dreams

Clear quartz is one of the most prolific and popular crystals to work with for very good reason- it’s a master healer stone. The ultimate amplifier and director of energy, clear quartz is one of...
Feeling Low? 3 Tips to Raise Your Vibration

Feeling Low? 3 Tips to Raise Your Vibration

Do you feel tired and fatigued, or without energy? It may be because you’re vibrating low.   Vibration is the way that you feel in every aspect of your life: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and...
Rhodonite’s heart-healing power

Rhodonite’s heart-healing power

Owing its name to the Greek word “rhodon”, meaning “rose-colored”, rhodonite can help you look at life through rose-colored glasses. It’s a stone of appreciation and openness, helping you find all there is to love...
3 Effective Ways to Reignite Your Divine Feminine Energy.

3 Effective Ways to Reignite Your Divine Feminine Energy.

The divine feminine is a natural force that's nurturing, intuitive, soft, and grounding. It can be found in all living things, including ourselves. Contrary to the logical and action-driven masculine, the divine feminine allows you...
selenite crystal meaning

Selenite Crystal Meaning and Uses

What is selenite used for? A versatile and powerful tool in the world of crystal healing. Its soft and serene energy is associated with promoting mental clarity, spiritual growth, and emotional well-being. Selenite is commonly...
Boost Your Home's Energy Using Feng Shui & Crystals

Boost Your Home's Energy Using Feng Shui & Crystals

Feng Shui is the oriental art of placement. Developed over 6,000 years ago in China, Feng Shui's sole mission is to arrange and harmonize your home for good chi or energy to flow freely.  Now...
lapis lazuli crystal benefits

Lapis Lazuli Healing Benefits

Royal blue and eye-catching, Lapis Lazuli is a beaming crystal exuding powerful energy. Lapis Lazuli's healing benefits are as unique as its physical features. It’s among the more restorative, nurturing, and peace-inducing crystals gifted to...
3 Crystals That Balance the Heart Chakra

3 Crystals That Balance the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the 4th of 7 major energy centers in our body. It connects us to love, compassion, and joy. However, it can also be the most challenging energy center to balance. 
pyrite gems

Pyrite Crystal: Meaning, Benefits, & Uses

Pyrite is spiritually and emotionally stimulating. It is not a soothing stone and shouldn’t be used at night. Pyrite crystal healing properties shine a bright light on your higher self, amplifying your potential.