best crystals for capricorn zodiac

The 6 Best Crystals for Capricorn

Capricorns are the steadfast, hardworking, loyal CEOs of the zodiac. But even this high-achieving sign can use a little grounding and energy restoration from their crystal allies. The 6 best crystals for Capricorn are here...
malachite crystal meaning and uses

Malachite for Metamorphosis & Deep Healing

Malachite is a rich, earthy green stone that helps protect your heart and your perspective. It connects you back to the abundance and strength that is always in you, helping you harness your innate power. ...
what crystals to not get wet

Crystals and water, which crystals to avoid getting wet

There are many ways to cleanse crystals, and water is one of the easiest and most available ways out there, but is it ok to get every type of crystal wet?   
Black obsidian for protection & emotional healing

Black obsidian for protection & emotional healing

Like all black stones, it carries wonderful properties to absorb, deflect and protect from negative energies, but obsidian is especially good at helping smooth out our tumultuous ocean of emotions. 
crystals for the new year

No more New Year's resolutions: Try this powerful ritual instead

This tradition dates back 4000 years ago, in ancient Babylon. As people celebrated the beginning of a new year, they promised the gods that they would pay their debts and return any they'd borrowed. This...
gifts for 2024

Need help choosing the right gifts for your spiritual friends?

Need help choosing the right gifts for your spiritual friends?   There are so many things you can gift your witchy, awakened, and spiritual friends. From private yoga and meditation classes to a deck of...
Crystals for Beginners: Using Crystal Healing Energy in your Life

Crystals for Beginners: Using Crystal Healing Energy in your Life

Looking for some of the best crystals to begin your journey? Here are some of our top, must have picks.
How To Protect Yourself From “Holiday Burnout”

How To Protect Yourself From “Holiday Burnout”

Protecting your energy doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. But it’s important to try different methods until you find the right one for you. No one wants to end up tired, overwhelmed, or burnt...
Carnelian: The Life-Force Crystal

Carnelian: The Life-Force Crystal

Known as the “charm of light”, Carnelian is a red crystal that embodies life force energy and is a powerful ally to its user. It’s known to increase energy, enhance vitality, and augment creativity. But...